Our discovery process begins by talking story! It starts by asking a few questions and then listening to what matters to you. It’s what we do and it all begins with a simple conversation.
The Island Wealth Way
Imagine the impact of developing a plan with a vision that looks beyond your lifetime and into the next generation. That’s The Island Wealth Way.
We’ve developed and refined a process that puts every piece of your financial puzzle together as your life evolves and unfolds. The Island Wealth Way helps you see the complete picture, now and into the future. It is a lifelong relationship with a team of planners who never lose sight of what is important to you and your family.
This approach is the reason we have second- and third-generation clients. The Island Wealth Way works best when every generation is involved in the process!
What you should know before getting started
- There is no initial cost or obligation because we want you to know exactly how we can help you before you begin your relationship with us.
- While we would love to work with you, if at any point you or we decide we are not a good fit, we will wish you the best and continued success.
- We are happy to refer you to another fiduciary who may be a better match.
Often, to get the right answers, you need to ask the right questions. At Island Wealth, we never confuse movement with progress. Just because you’re doing a lot more doesn’t mean you’re getting a lot more done. Our clients know that it’s not how much you have, it’s what you do with it that makes the difference.